Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Yawn...Just Woken up And McDoom Is Still Here?

Well, must be the start of the conference season and the beleaguered McDoom is hauling himself around the nation with a heavy heart as the rest of us hold our breath (or was that his holiday break?). Will he survive till 2010?

I give it 50/50 on the back of a "dignified" retirement due to ill health and Mandlebum stepping up to cover or (as Guido Fawkes would have it HERE) the Harperson is hanging round the corpse again.

I have written before that the Harperson would go for it (holds McDoom in contempt, it's common sense) but now that the Dark Lord is about again I think it'll be a scrap. A scrap over a corpse; that sums up ZaNuLabour 2009.

Anyway and onto the "Cuts Speech" to the TUC as was much heralded by the Brown Broadcasting Corporation. Full transcript HERE courtesy of Politics Home.

Despite the MSM headlines Gordon has in no way said that “spending cuts” are needed or that they will happen; the McDoom’s very clever speech says that certain “costs” will be cut and that is very different.

The tractor stats suggest that spending will continue and that is what the unions told him last week they needed to hear.

This speech enables the McDoom to backtrack and squirm and continue to promise all things to all hoons. Very clever. For the terminally thick.

What he could say = “cut costs”
What he could not say = “cut expenditure”

Clever speech; you can “hear” what you like.

All of the MSM will hear/say he is going to cut expenditure, all of the ZNL faithful will hear/say he is going to continue spending.

What I say is: man with forked tongue should fork off.

The McDoom speech did however correctly end with the words:

“And friends, our achievements teach us … never to believe a blind fate governs us all.”

Oh sorry, I read that as “fake”.

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