Have I been in a time warp? The blogs eg Guido Fawkes, the papers and the TV are all spouting some "news" this weekend that the supposed "tory cast iron guarantee on a referendum policy" is somehow dead. Er, you what, mate?
I seem to recall that the tory policy for some time now (and certainly clarified well before this year’s conference season) was always that:
a) A referendum on Lisbon would ONLY ever occur if by the time the tories got in (indeed it was always qualified by an “if the tories got in”) Lisbon had not yet been ratified.
b) That they would not reveal their Plan B until after the ratification of Lisbon because they could not present policy on the back of a speculation that ratification would occur when it had not yet.
[In fact have I gone mad; was it ratified whilst I was offline over the weekend?]
c) A hint that Plan B would involve going back to the EUSSR to discuss the UK’s position having been given a clear mandate by the people of the UK to do so (ie by being elected).
None of the above is new or different, indeed I have been repeating it for weeks now on Guido's blog and been much attacked for this by various anonymous types (though with no refuting of the substance of what I was saying).
Well before the weekend’s renewed orgy of “Dave’s let us down” (by sticking to the policy he said he would stick to but oddly we want to somehow ignore this all of a sudden this weekend) this was all fact, written down, discussed on air, in blogs and "known".
Yet out of the blue it's "news"; what's that news you say? It's news that Dave can't hold an effing referendum on whether to ratify Lisbon. Shock. Horror. Er, he's not in power for a start and, don't know if you have noticed but actually McDoom has already signed up to Lisbon and ignoring what may or may not happen in a Czech court later this week ratification will be done, dusted, and game over well before May 2010. Is that understood?
By a combination of out of context quotes, some oddball reporting and the (understandable but it’s not news) seething anger of others such as Dan The Han (and me for goodness sake!) we seem to be in a perverse voodoo world where all of the above is forgotten or strangely misunderstood, the actual promise of the only party who could promise (ZaNuLab) ignored and the saviours purported to be UKIP.
Now I am fairly sure I have NOT entered into a strange parallel universe (unless as per Professor Nutt I am doing my brain cells more harm with the old red vino than by indulging in similarly copious quantities of skunk and ecstacy) and so must conclude that Reds are Under Our Beds.
Surely LieBore’s virtual sole remaining strategy for clinging on to power in 2010 (ignoring postal votes and other direct and more dangerous scams) is to split the tory vote by promoting UKIP?
This is as certain as it is that the BNP are doing the same to ZaNuLab. [Faux horror all round; apologies to those of a mild disposition who do not need to operate directly in the nasty real world of today on the streets in the UK. It's tough out there, guys, I would far rather be in a nice safe job elsewhere; and my doctor currently agrees].
Guido's blog appears to be rife with numerous trolls doing very well in pushing this strategy it appears! (I notice that the usual suspects such as a certain Mastur Bator (sic) who infest Guido's blog apparently felt no need to comment much on this Dave is A Traitor thread as “themselves” today).
I have pleaded on Guido's time and again for a bit more sanity (or at least circumspection) but have come to the conclusion that some posters professing “this is a time to pin your colours to the mast, pick up a rifle and go over the top to be shot as a matter of some certainty but so what” are starting to come close to spouting Alastair Campbell style constructs. The language is getting creepy, and what with Remembrance Day coming up too.
Do we really want to be shot up in No Man’s Land wrapped in the UKIP flag having gained not one inch on the map whilst the lunatics this would most benefit (ZNL) retain power back home for another agonising few years and continue to destroy what we say we value?
Jeez, to end with these war analogies wasn’t it Churchill who invoked "He that fights and runs away may turn and fight another day; but he that is in battle slain will never rise to fight again"? [Dunkirk 1940 or Dieppe 1942; probably both times].
On the subject of Plan B, what on earth is the UKIP Plan B after 2010 if they succeed in splitting the tory vote and letting in LieBore (or a LieBore/LibidoDum hung parliament) for another few years? By the next General Election they will have destroyed any means for either themselves or the tories to get in again and perform any useful function nor for there to be any going back whatsoever for the great EUSSR swindle, er project.
Or am I in a timewarp? Hello, anyone there?
Monday, 2 November 2009
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Plastic Carrierbag, Two Bricks, Empty Beer Cans
I keep referring to our Dear Leader's philosophy on life and how the empty carrier bag ruse got him to the top of (what must be) the dumbest party in the UK but not everyone is aware of this reference.
I was reminded on Guido Fawkes' of this Daily Mail article (though every paper carried it, albeit a couple of years ago when the proverbial light was still shining out of the man's a-hole). Very checkable on Google.
Anyway here is a LINK.
Do leopards change their spots? Maybe. Not this time.
I was reminded on Guido Fawkes' of this Daily Mail article (though every paper carried it, albeit a couple of years ago when the proverbial light was still shining out of the man's a-hole). Very checkable on Google.
Anyway here is a LINK.
Do leopards change their spots? Maybe. Not this time.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Yawn...Just Woken up And McDoom Is Still Here?
Well, must be the start of the conference season and the beleaguered McDoom is hauling himself around the nation with a heavy heart as the rest of us hold our breath (or was that his holiday break?). Will he survive till 2010?
I give it 50/50 on the back of a "dignified" retirement due to ill health and Mandlebum stepping up to cover or (as Guido Fawkes would have it HERE) the Harperson is hanging round the corpse again.
I have written before that the Harperson would go for it (holds McDoom in contempt, it's common sense) but now that the Dark Lord is about again I think it'll be a scrap. A scrap over a corpse; that sums up ZaNuLabour 2009.
Anyway and onto the "Cuts Speech" to the TUC as was much heralded by the Brown Broadcasting Corporation. Full transcript HERE courtesy of Politics Home.
Despite the MSM headlines Gordon has in no way said that “spending cuts” are needed or that they will happen; the McDoom’s very clever speech says that certain “costs” will be cut and that is very different.
The tractor stats suggest that spending will continue and that is what the unions told him last week they needed to hear.
This speech enables the McDoom to backtrack and squirm and continue to promise all things to all hoons. Very clever. For the terminally thick.
What he could say = “cut costs”
What he could not say = “cut expenditure”
Clever speech; you can “hear” what you like.
All of the MSM will hear/say he is going to cut expenditure, all of the ZNL faithful will hear/say he is going to continue spending.
What I say is: man with forked tongue should fork off.
The McDoom speech did however correctly end with the words:
“And friends, our achievements teach us … never to believe a blind fate governs us all.”
Oh sorry, I read that as “fake”.
I give it 50/50 on the back of a "dignified" retirement due to ill health and Mandlebum stepping up to cover or (as Guido Fawkes would have it HERE) the Harperson is hanging round the corpse again.
I have written before that the Harperson would go for it (holds McDoom in contempt, it's common sense) but now that the Dark Lord is about again I think it'll be a scrap. A scrap over a corpse; that sums up ZaNuLabour 2009.
Anyway and onto the "Cuts Speech" to the TUC as was much heralded by the Brown Broadcasting Corporation. Full transcript HERE courtesy of Politics Home.
Despite the MSM headlines Gordon has in no way said that “spending cuts” are needed or that they will happen; the McDoom’s very clever speech says that certain “costs” will be cut and that is very different.
The tractor stats suggest that spending will continue and that is what the unions told him last week they needed to hear.
This speech enables the McDoom to backtrack and squirm and continue to promise all things to all hoons. Very clever. For the terminally thick.
What he could say = “cut costs”
What he could not say = “cut expenditure”
Clever speech; you can “hear” what you like.
All of the MSM will hear/say he is going to cut expenditure, all of the ZNL faithful will hear/say he is going to continue spending.
What I say is: man with forked tongue should fork off.
The McDoom speech did however correctly end with the words:
“And friends, our achievements teach us … never to believe a blind fate governs us all.”
Oh sorry, I read that as “fake”.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Once a Banker...
I hear that our dearly (as in expensive) departed (almost) the bankers are happily rebuilding their financial positions (thanks taxpayers) but possibly less than happy, now that some cash can be repaid to governments, that they have lost control quite so much over their shares (and possibly bonuses and that freedom they used to enjoy). Watch out for the renegotiations as the hand of government weakens and the banks strengthen; ungrateful lot. Was ever thus of course and the politicians that brought us to this pass have their places reserved on various boardroom tables across the globe to help things along.
So What Happens Next?
In my last post I talked about what might "happen next" well now we know, essentially the great unwashed broadly decided not to vote rather than vote for the troughing scumbags as portayed by the media and so we have what we have.
And that is we have a ZaNuLab collapse but by no means a shoo-in for the tories; we have a totally discredited Prime Minister, and indeed government, hanging on for dear life in the hope that "things can only get better" and they get somehow re-elected (or at least not permanently wiped out) in the general election if it can be delayed for long enough.
Whether it is ten weeks or ten months it is going to be an extremely queasy time for all concerned and likely for ZNL a slow and undignified death by a thousand cuts.
McDoom is each day proven to be a fantasist, a liar, or as psychologically disturbed as everyone says. I think he will indeed have to be wrenched kicking and screaming out of Downing Street and that he will bring down his party, if not the country, on his way out. The Priory beckons.
Dangerously he is now playing with electoral reforms which he states he has "no plans" to implement before any general election (and it would of course take a referendum, as Lisbon, er, did...). Could he really be so mad or so bad to try and ensure his 1000 years reich by changing the rules?
There is some previous form where for example postal voting is concerned (Glenrothes etc), but this mad or this bad? The next few weeks will be telling.
Here is a PM so weak now that he scrapes the barrel of celebrities, the (unelected) House of Lords and the likes of Shahid Malik ("good Muslims prefer cash") in order to fill his cabinet of the bland, the creepy and the crooked. McDoom no longer has the power (if ever he had the will) to deal with the expenses scandal; to purport to be dealing with it by rearranging the way we vote is unbelievable in the extreme.
If anyone doubts by now the dishonest ways of the Lying Son of The Manse then I'll finish by helping to join up some dots regarding the burning issue of the tory "cuts" versus ZaNuLab "investment"; the FT has the most succinct and even handed analysis here.
So the tory figures are the ZNL figures. Hey, ho. And what does Gordon say?
Keep telling people lies Gordon; if your strategy is right and indeed you have helped bring up a generation where many are too thick to understand arithmetic then you and the UK deserve each other.
BTW the Nadine Dorries blog is back so clearly an "arrangement" was arrived at eventually, out of sight of the mainstream media and other prying eyes I presume.
And that is we have a ZaNuLab collapse but by no means a shoo-in for the tories; we have a totally discredited Prime Minister, and indeed government, hanging on for dear life in the hope that "things can only get better" and they get somehow re-elected (or at least not permanently wiped out) in the general election if it can be delayed for long enough.
Whether it is ten weeks or ten months it is going to be an extremely queasy time for all concerned and likely for ZNL a slow and undignified death by a thousand cuts.
McDoom is each day proven to be a fantasist, a liar, or as psychologically disturbed as everyone says. I think he will indeed have to be wrenched kicking and screaming out of Downing Street and that he will bring down his party, if not the country, on his way out. The Priory beckons.
Dangerously he is now playing with electoral reforms which he states he has "no plans" to implement before any general election (and it would of course take a referendum, as Lisbon, er, did...). Could he really be so mad or so bad to try and ensure his 1000 years reich by changing the rules?
There is some previous form where for example postal voting is concerned (Glenrothes etc), but this mad or this bad? The next few weeks will be telling.
Here is a PM so weak now that he scrapes the barrel of celebrities, the (unelected) House of Lords and the likes of Shahid Malik ("good Muslims prefer cash") in order to fill his cabinet of the bland, the creepy and the crooked. McDoom no longer has the power (if ever he had the will) to deal with the expenses scandal; to purport to be dealing with it by rearranging the way we vote is unbelievable in the extreme.
If anyone doubts by now the dishonest ways of the Lying Son of The Manse then I'll finish by helping to join up some dots regarding the burning issue of the tory "cuts" versus ZaNuLab "investment"; the FT has the most succinct and even handed analysis here.
So the tory figures are the ZNL figures. Hey, ho. And what does Gordon say?
Keep telling people lies Gordon; if your strategy is right and indeed you have helped bring up a generation where many are too thick to understand arithmetic then you and the UK deserve each other.
BTW the Nadine Dorries blog is back so clearly an "arrangement" was arrived at eventually, out of sight of the mainstream media and other prying eyes I presume.
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Telegraph Does Not Like It Up Them
I don't usually re-publish on here what I publish elsewhere but I am unhappy this afternoon about something brewing on Guido's Blog so here goes:
See first the great Order-Order and now my (edited) comment regarding the Telegraph owners' taking down of Nadine Dorries' Blog as follows:
Taking down blogs is more serious than the Order-Order comments imply. Right to reply; correction of inaccuracies; removal of certain statements; mmm, maybe ok.
Certainly the right to deal with it in full under existing provisions eg libel laws. But pulling down a whole blog? You may not like Nadine Dorries (tired, stroppy, trougher or not) and her accusations may have been ill advised in the absence of some careful research but are you happy to focus on her shortcomings and accept that her blog be silenced?
I agree with some of the comments (including ND’s) that we are risking something here in our glee at the downfall of the troughing political class; a vacuum is indeed forming and we need to be vigilant as to what turns up to fill it.
This is not a funny moment and one or two on Order-Order maybe need a quick swot up on how the minority National Socialists achieved power in Germany in the 1930’s. A reminder:
Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Kommunist.
Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.
Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,
habe ich nicht protestiert;
ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.
Als sie die Juden holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Jude.
Als sie mich holten,
gab es keinen mehr, der protestierte.
In finding the translation I hope it will make some think more carefully as to what happens next.
See first the great Order-Order and now my (edited) comment regarding the Telegraph owners' taking down of Nadine Dorries' Blog as follows:
Taking down blogs is more serious than the Order-Order comments imply. Right to reply; correction of inaccuracies; removal of certain statements; mmm, maybe ok.
Certainly the right to deal with it in full under existing provisions eg libel laws. But pulling down a whole blog? You may not like Nadine Dorries (tired, stroppy, trougher or not) and her accusations may have been ill advised in the absence of some careful research but are you happy to focus on her shortcomings and accept that her blog be silenced?
I agree with some of the comments (including ND’s) that we are risking something here in our glee at the downfall of the troughing political class; a vacuum is indeed forming and we need to be vigilant as to what turns up to fill it.
This is not a funny moment and one or two on Order-Order maybe need a quick swot up on how the minority National Socialists achieved power in Germany in the 1930’s. A reminder:
Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Kommunist.
Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.
Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,
habe ich nicht protestiert;
ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.
Als sie die Juden holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Jude.
Als sie mich holten,
gab es keinen mehr, der protestierte.
In finding the translation I hope it will make some think more carefully as to what happens next.
Bankers and Regulation
An excellent article turned up in last week's Sunday Times and upon re-reading it I decided that it would be worth sharing on here; not least because it would, in some part, explain my (perverse to some) views on the banking crisis and the joys of regulation (and how light touch regulation was anything but and actually a failure of heavy handed and misplaced regulation was much to blame). The following explains what I often by a lack of wit, voice or sobriety fail to get across in person:
Times Online Think Tank on Comfort Blankets
The cost and pain of this crisis looks to have been generally wasted because as a result we still have most of the big banking sector intact and, crikey, part government owned plus every reason under the sun for government to persuade us that more regulations are necessary.
That's what your debt of £25,000 each has bought you lucky people: more government. It's the gift that keeps on giving (as long as you keep on paying). Great. Not.
Times Online Think Tank on Comfort Blankets
The cost and pain of this crisis looks to have been generally wasted because as a result we still have most of the big banking sector intact and, crikey, part government owned plus every reason under the sun for government to persuade us that more regulations are necessary.
That's what your debt of £25,000 each has bought you lucky people: more government. It's the gift that keeps on giving (as long as you keep on paying). Great. Not.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Location, Location - Starring Our Dear Leader
Our Dear Leader has of course some "form" on property and tax planning. Who would have thought it? The first report is from the Telegraph in 2007, the second from the current round of Telegraph reporting.
Some interesting links back to that Great Socialist, and not at all a bully, Robert Maxwell plus our old friend Geoffrey Robinson, lender of first resort to Lord Mandelson you will recall.
The "one off" equity release type mortgage from Lloyds TSB would bear further investigation. I think the Telegraph are on the wrong lines (talking about pensioners and Sarah Brown's lack of income) but something stinky might be there; if nothing else then an income stretch to help the PM out.
That's Lloyds TSB who were hoping to take over the failing Northern Rock by the way and who later got tipped the wink on that fine investment HBOS. Not.
Some interesting links back to that Great Socialist, and not at all a bully, Robert Maxwell plus our old friend Geoffrey Robinson, lender of first resort to Lord Mandelson you will recall.
The "one off" equity release type mortgage from Lloyds TSB would bear further investigation. I think the Telegraph are on the wrong lines (talking about pensioners and Sarah Brown's lack of income) but something stinky might be there; if nothing else then an income stretch to help the PM out.
That's Lloyds TSB who were hoping to take over the failing Northern Rock by the way and who later got tipped the wink on that fine investment HBOS. Not.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
A Summary of Expenses
Mind boggling isn't it? To avoid reading every report ad nauseam the Daily Mail has a good summary Here including a Top Ten Scams section.
Pathetic to note the same (national) obsession with property. No wonder no one in Government can speak sense on the subject; whilst this bunch of idiots have been talking up property prices for a decade shouldn't there have been some sort of FSA Disclosure Notice pointing out their vested interest?
The Tories will be next and not many from across the parties will come up smelling of roses. What we now see is a good indication of just how wasteful, self serving and pointless Parliament has been over the last ten years or so.
The ZaNuLiebore leadership have ruled as a dictatorship, the tory leadership have (unsurprisingly) spent much of the time powerlessly navel gazing. The clearly mainly under-employed and literally useless rank and file MP's have therefore (again unsurprisingly) just gone out and had a good time.
Idle hands and all that.
Dave needs to get a grip and show some balls now. The Prime Mentalist is doomed and can't keep taking everyone's bullets for ever.
The side shows will be interesting over the coming weeks: why the Telegraph (since after the Barclay takeover it was previously just happy to regurgitate ZNL propaganda)? What will the Police do (hint: nothing, as per the Abrahams illegal donations shambles)? And what the bleedin' hell happened to that Swine Flu myth?
Pathetic to note the same (national) obsession with property. No wonder no one in Government can speak sense on the subject; whilst this bunch of idiots have been talking up property prices for a decade shouldn't there have been some sort of FSA Disclosure Notice pointing out their vested interest?
The Tories will be next and not many from across the parties will come up smelling of roses. What we now see is a good indication of just how wasteful, self serving and pointless Parliament has been over the last ten years or so.
The ZaNuLiebore leadership have ruled as a dictatorship, the tory leadership have (unsurprisingly) spent much of the time powerlessly navel gazing. The clearly mainly under-employed and literally useless rank and file MP's have therefore (again unsurprisingly) just gone out and had a good time.
Idle hands and all that.
Dave needs to get a grip and show some balls now. The Prime Mentalist is doomed and can't keep taking everyone's bullets for ever.
The side shows will be interesting over the coming weeks: why the Telegraph (since after the Barclay takeover it was previously just happy to regurgitate ZNL propaganda)? What will the Police do (hint: nothing, as per the Abrahams illegal donations shambles)? And what the bleedin' hell happened to that Swine Flu myth?
Saturday, 2 May 2009
State of Labour
For a fair summary of recent events (hat-tip Clartmonkey on Guido's) you could always check out the press in China HERE.
Clearly shifts are occuring and this article gives an indication maybe of how China rises as the UK is waning. This country is indeed a laughing stock and the blame lies with ZaNuLab, their blind supporters, their lazy apologists in the press and BBC, but particularly with Gordon Brown.
To be fair he told us upfront that in his plastic bag he had some empty cans and a couple of bricks. He still got let into the party. He drank all your booze and now we have the empty carrier bag.
Never mind, he still plans to save the country by giving the two bricks planning consent and building more houses, on greenfield, somewhere near you...
Clearly shifts are occuring and this article gives an indication maybe of how China rises as the UK is waning. This country is indeed a laughing stock and the blame lies with ZaNuLab, their blind supporters, their lazy apologists in the press and BBC, but particularly with Gordon Brown.
To be fair he told us upfront that in his plastic bag he had some empty cans and a couple of bricks. He still got let into the party. He drank all your booze and now we have the empty carrier bag.
Never mind, he still plans to save the country by giving the two bricks planning consent and building more houses, on greenfield, somewhere near you...
Friday, 24 April 2009
Gordon Must Go
I've posted before on the subject of a Number 10 Petition calling for a general election. That (apolitical) petition lost momentum after taking some weeks to get into the low four figures unfortunately but today Guido Fawkes has taken up support for a new, also apolitical, Petition demanding that Gordon Brown resign.
It has gone in the space of a few hours straight into four figures and looks like it will be the Big One, assuming of course that within the Number 10 machine there is not someone sat fiddling the figures. Ok maybe this requires a huge suspension of disbelief but hey ho.
So I recommend to you that you go directly to Please Go and sign up. The target is one million.
As before, please make sure you use your emails to pass this on.
It has gone in the space of a few hours straight into four figures and looks like it will be the Big One, assuming of course that within the Number 10 machine there is not someone sat fiddling the figures. Ok maybe this requires a huge suspension of disbelief but hey ho.
So I recommend to you that you go directly to Please Go and sign up. The target is one million.
As before, please make sure you use your emails to pass this on.
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Very Important Part 2
Just a bit more detail; remember that the Project and its Special People cannot fail, that is what drives the party machinery now.
Go to The Grauniad for a good write up.
Some paragraphs worth noting: "A third of the 279 party members have applied for a postal vote rather than turn up for the originally scheduled hustings, an unusually high number. A large postal vote means Gould (The Favoured One) could have won the selection before the hustings took place, although the inquiry launched last night will postpone any result."
And last week's goings on revisited: "Losing a selection before hustings takes place is a situation Susan Press is familiar with. In West Yorkshire earlier this month, Press, a popular local mayor, lost the Labour nomination for Calder Valley to Steph Booth, who is married to Tony Blair's father-in-law. Although Press won the vote at the hustings by 35 to 22, when the postal votes were counted Booth sealed the nomination. Nearly two-thirds of the voters had applied for a postal vote."
And the busted ballot box? Well according to Guido Fawkes that was in the "safe hands" of ZaNuLab HQ when opened and the slips torn up...
Er, not the "nasty tories" this time then?
Go to The Grauniad for a good write up.
Some paragraphs worth noting: "A third of the 279 party members have applied for a postal vote rather than turn up for the originally scheduled hustings, an unusually high number. A large postal vote means Gould (The Favoured One) could have won the selection before the hustings took place, although the inquiry launched last night will postpone any result."
And last week's goings on revisited: "Losing a selection before hustings takes place is a situation Susan Press is familiar with. In West Yorkshire earlier this month, Press, a popular local mayor, lost the Labour nomination for Calder Valley to Steph Booth, who is married to Tony Blair's father-in-law. Although Press won the vote at the hustings by 35 to 22, when the postal votes were counted Booth sealed the nomination. Nearly two-thirds of the voters had applied for a postal vote."
And the busted ballot box? Well according to Guido Fawkes that was in the "safe hands" of ZaNuLab HQ when opened and the slips torn up...
Er, not the "nasty tories" this time then?
Gordon Is Responsible
Just a reminder now that the Smear Scandal stories are dying off. The Great Leader told the Beeb precisely this: "I take full responsibility and the person responsible has resigned".
"Er, but not me. You see it wasn'ae me mister it was them big nasty boys that did it, they did it and then they ran away."
Ok, he didn't say the last bit. But we know that is exactly what he meant.
"Er, but not me. You see it wasn'ae me mister it was them big nasty boys that did it, they did it and then they ran away."
Ok, he didn't say the last bit. But we know that is exactly what he meant.
Very Important And May Get Lost
There is a disturbing trend within the ZaNuLab party machine to get what they want despite the wishes of the great unwashed (the rest of us). We have had the Glenrothes election rumours (For Example) and other stories about ZNL's great and good and their relatives being parachuted into safe seats. Now this story today (even washing up on the Beeb) which plenty will miss because it sounds too much like boring in-party squabbling. I suggest to you however that we keep the spotlight on this; elements of the ZNL machinery are quite ok about (apparently) tampering with ballot boxes and manipulating postal votes. This does not bode well.
Friday, 17 April 2009
Draper Departs But Unease re Computer
The link to the Mirror blog has been pulled; someone is unhappy that we could see photos of Mr Draper's PC being carried away in a shopping bag. Never mind, catch up on the story at Tory Bear. My, my, everyone is so sensitive at the moment. And the word "sorry" (albeit in an unsatisfactory conext) was prised out of the lips of McBroon. I suggest something big is happening.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Draper Departs
As Reported elsewhere (HT Guido and Tory Bear) our Derek has gone. Odd that his hard drive appears to be going for a trip too though? Thanks to the Mirror Photographer!
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Rapier Struck (A Bit) of Blood
The BBC reports thus (but weakly): A Serious Breach.
Not front page online and coverage is not detailed; for example: "He (Maude) also asked about the terms of departure of Mr McBride and whether the e-mails were part of a "broader pattern of activity by other special advisers". In his reply, Sir Gus said Mr McBride was "no longer employed as a special adviser" and "has not received severance pay".
No word as to whether still a Civil Servant and or still in Downing Street, severance pay would not be an issue anyway in a straight resignation case, and nothing re the contentious issue of pension (again not relevant if not actually retired). The "broader pattern" question? er, nothing here.
"He (Sir Gus) said Mr Watson had "made his own position clear" and the prime minister had made clear "that he has been assured that no minister or political adviser other than Damian McBride had any knowledge of, or involvement in, the e-mails".
No knowledge or involvement? Maybe a bit of wriggle room if eg copied into emails but "did not receive or read them" but maybe something that will come back and bite bums. Fingers crossed.
Not front page online and coverage is not detailed; for example: "He (Maude) also asked about the terms of departure of Mr McBride and whether the e-mails were part of a "broader pattern of activity by other special advisers". In his reply, Sir Gus said Mr McBride was "no longer employed as a special adviser" and "has not received severance pay".
No word as to whether still a Civil Servant and or still in Downing Street, severance pay would not be an issue anyway in a straight resignation case, and nothing re the contentious issue of pension (again not relevant if not actually retired). The "broader pattern" question? er, nothing here.
"He (Sir Gus) said Mr Watson had "made his own position clear" and the prime minister had made clear "that he has been assured that no minister or political adviser other than Damian McBride had any knowledge of, or involvement in, the e-mails".
No knowledge or involvement? Maybe a bit of wriggle room if eg copied into emails but "did not receive or read them" but maybe something that will come back and bite bums. Fingers crossed.
Where Is Guido Fawkes?
Iain Dale says Guido's server has crashed due to heavy traffic; as per Twitter. So either a new revelation or a lot of new people tuning in. Or...
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Anyone For An Election?
This petition has been out there for some time but no one mainstream will link to it for unknown reasons: GoToTheCountry
Monday, 13 April 2009
Is the McBroon to be forced further regarding his Special Adviser? With thanks to Argie at Guido's; paragraph 3.3 of the Ministerial Code says: “The responsibility for the management and conduct of special advisers, including discipline, rests with the Minister who made the appointment".
Nothing more to add, at the moment.
Nothing more to add, at the moment.
Saturday, 11 April 2009
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