Monday, 2 November 2009

Tory Referendum Guarantee News (is Not News)

Have I been in a time warp? The blogs eg Guido Fawkes, the papers and the TV are all spouting some "news" this weekend that the supposed "tory cast iron guarantee on a referendum policy" is somehow dead. Er, you what, mate?

I seem to recall that the tory policy for some time now (and certainly clarified well before this year’s conference season) was always that:

a) A referendum on Lisbon would ONLY ever occur if by the time the tories got in (indeed it was always qualified by an “if the tories got in”) Lisbon had not yet been ratified.

b) That they would not reveal their Plan B until after the ratification of Lisbon because they could not present policy on the back of a speculation that ratification would occur when it had not yet.

[In fact have I gone mad; was it ratified whilst I was offline over the weekend?]

c) A hint that Plan B would involve going back to the EUSSR to discuss the UK’s position having been given a clear mandate by the people of the UK to do so (ie by being elected).

None of the above is new or different, indeed I have been repeating it for weeks now on Guido's blog and been much attacked for this by various anonymous types (though with no refuting of the substance of what I was saying).

Well before the weekend’s renewed orgy of “Dave’s let us down” (by sticking to the policy he said he would stick to but oddly we want to somehow ignore this all of a sudden this weekend) this was all fact, written down, discussed on air, in blogs and "known".

Yet out of the blue it's "news"; what's that news you say? It's news that Dave can't hold an effing referendum on whether to ratify Lisbon. Shock. Horror. Er, he's not in power for a start and, don't know if you have noticed but actually McDoom has already signed up to Lisbon and ignoring what may or may not happen in a Czech court later this week ratification will be done, dusted, and game over well before May 2010. Is that understood?

By a combination of out of context quotes, some oddball reporting and the (understandable but it’s not news) seething anger of others such as Dan The Han (and me for goodness sake!) we seem to be in a perverse voodoo world where all of the above is forgotten or strangely misunderstood, the actual promise of the only party who could promise (ZaNuLab) ignored and the saviours purported to be UKIP.


Now I am fairly sure I have NOT entered into a strange parallel universe (unless as per Professor Nutt I am doing my brain cells more harm with the old red vino than by indulging in similarly copious quantities of skunk and ecstacy) and so must conclude that Reds are Under Our Beds.

Surely LieBore’s virtual sole remaining strategy for clinging on to power in 2010 (ignoring postal votes and other direct and more dangerous scams) is to split the tory vote by promoting UKIP?

This is as certain as it is that the BNP are doing the same to ZaNuLab. [Faux horror all round; apologies to those of a mild disposition who do not need to operate directly in the nasty real world of today on the streets in the UK. It's tough out there, guys, I would far rather be in a nice safe job elsewhere; and my doctor currently agrees].

Guido's blog appears to be rife with numerous trolls doing very well in pushing this strategy it appears! (I notice that the usual suspects such as a certain Mastur Bator (sic) who infest Guido's blog apparently felt no need to comment much on this Dave is A Traitor thread as “themselves” today).

I have pleaded on Guido's time and again for a bit more sanity (or at least circumspection) but have come to the conclusion that some posters professing “this is a time to pin your colours to the mast, pick up a rifle and go over the top to be shot as a matter of some certainty but so what” are starting to come close to spouting Alastair Campbell style constructs. The language is getting creepy, and what with Remembrance Day coming up too.

Do we really want to be shot up in No Man’s Land wrapped in the UKIP flag having gained not one inch on the map whilst the lunatics this would most benefit (ZNL) retain power back home for another agonising few years and continue to destroy what we say we value?

Jeez, to end with these war analogies wasn’t it Churchill who invoked "He that fights and runs away may turn and fight another day; but he that is in battle slain will never rise to fight again"? [Dunkirk 1940 or Dieppe 1942; probably both times].

On the subject of Plan B, what on earth is the UKIP Plan B after 2010 if they succeed in splitting the tory vote and letting in LieBore (or a LieBore/LibidoDum hung parliament) for another few years? By the next General Election they will have destroyed any means for either themselves or the tories to get in again and perform any useful function nor for there to be any going back whatsoever for the great EUSSR swindle, er project.

Or am I in a timewarp? Hello, anyone there?